Milk protein indicators is the main factor for dairy products companies and farms to evaluate milk quality. High protein feed has become a hot sale product in recent years. The most important thing when buying feed in a ranch is protein content. In addition to concerning the quality of the small cow milking machine, purchasing high-protein feed has also become an important part for cows. Then how to choose feed for cow before using small cow milking machine?

High protein feed cannot be replaced by other feeds
Recently, fewer people purchase low-protein feeds. In fact, the nutritional component that plays a major role in regulating the quantity of milk protein synthesis is energy. How to quickly provide the energy required for rumen microorganism growth and milk protein synthesis is the key to increasing milk protein content.
A typical example is that rapid energy supply is reduced after a large number of soybean hulls replace corn feed. At the same time, milk protein synthesis is hindered, and milk protein is difficult to improve. Thus, we need regular monitoring of our feed suppliers, the use of safe feed is the key to dairy farming.
Restrict the use of feed additives
The source of cow performance is the rumen. The maintenance of rumen is the core of breeding and feed development. There are many types of rumen regulators, and each with its own mechanism of action. Its effects are difficult to assess, and its potential safety hazards are greater. It is a huge task to choose the best rumen regulator products for the herd diet composition and milk production level.
Promote feeding concept and change feeding mode
The feed is not a complete diet for cows, and its function can be achieved by recombining the feeding process with forage ingredients. The special characteristics of ruminants require that the content of forage in the diet must meet the normal operation of rumen function. Therefore, there are strict requirements on the quality of forage.
Most dairy farmers have not experienced professional training, which directly affects milk production when using small cow milking machine. In addition, it affects the feed utilization efficiency and final benefit. At present, the problems of low production, serious reproductive obstacles, and high elimination rates are related to the technology of diet ration.