The harm of cow milking machine for sale

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In dairy production, there has been a debate about whether cow milking machine for sale can cause cow mastitis infections.

What’s the mastitis?

Mastitis is one of the most common and serious diseases among cows. The cause of it is affected by many factors such as management, nutrition, climate, barn conditions, milking technology, and so on.

What’s the harm of mastitis to the milk?

Cow mastitis not only affects the milk production of cows, directly causes economic losses, but also affects the quality of final milk, endangering human health.

After cows suffer from mastitis, their milk contains a large number of inflammatory factors, pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins, which is harmful for people, especially the elderly and infants. In addition, antibiotics are currently used in the treatment of cow mastitis, and drug residues are also bad to people.

How the cow milking machine for sale cause mastitis?

Milking machines can increase the incidence of mastitis in the following ways:

1. Milking machine may act as a source of contamination and cause the spread of pathogenic bacteria from diseased cattle to healthy cattle.

2.It may reduce the ability of the breast tissue to resist the invasion of foreign materials.

3. cow milking machine for sale may provide a means for cross-infection in different parts of the same cow.

The milk of diseased cows will remain on the surface of the milk liner or cup, which makes it possible to infect other cows. Excessive use of milk lining results in rubber aging and micro-cracks on the inside. Under this case, pathogenic bacteria can persist in the milk lining for a long time. As a result, it causes a long-term risk of infection for susceptible cattle, increasing the number of diseased cattle.

How to avoid the mastitis caused by cow milking machine for sale?

Milking cleaning procedures including nipple treatment after milking, can reduce the incidence of mastitis. The recoil system greatly reduces the risk through the milk lining. However, the data show that the effect of the recoil system on the incidence of mastitis is not significant. Most farms now use bubble cup operations to reduce the spread of pathogenic bacteria between cattle.